With fierce competition in the academic lives of Canadian students, Al-Hijra Academy’s students fare quite well, mashaAllah. Each year, our students compete in various local, provincial and Canada-wide competitions like:
- Windsor Regional Science Technology and Engineering Fair (WRSTEF)
- The Canadian Math Contest
- Windsor Chess Challenge
Al-Hijra Academy is also humbled to sponsor the Al-Hijra School Environmental Sciences Award at the WRSTEF which is a medallion and cash prize that is awarded to the best novice, junior, and intermediate projects that demonstrate excellence in environmental conservation, preservation, or regeneration.
In addition to external competitions, we also conduct several in-school competitions such as the much-anticipated Qur’an Competition, Public Speaking Competition, and Science Fair.
Each year, our dedicated teachers also contribute to the extra-curricular learning of our students. Each teacher uses his or her own unique skills and interests to enrich the students’ learning experience.
Athletics play an important part at Al-Hijra Academy. Beginning at Grade 4, students participate in a number of school teams including basketball, soccer, track and field, badminton, volleyball, and more.